Peugeot 407 2003-2010 Chrome Wheel Nut Cover
Image for Reference only
We will always check that the part you order is applicable for your vehicle. Giving you total peace of mind that you are getting the correct part you need.
Some items may not be available to order straight away. Some items may take up to a week to arrive to us then an extra working day to be shipped to you.
We will contact you upon receipt of your order, if this is the case with your parts.
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In addition, we deliver via a specialist courier. Full tracking information will be provided via email and/or text.
Some items may incur an addition shipping fee due to size and weight. This is calculated in the checkout page.
For more information on shipping check our Delivery Page.
Needed advice as regards type of wheel nut to order. Sent an e mail and had a very quick response from Dan.
Made my order with link he provided and were sent to me with the same quick response.
How refreshing to deal from start to finish with person in a company in such an efficient manner.